
Join us Sundays at 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM

Reverend Dr. Timothy Bias, Lead Pastor

Rev. David Donathan, Minister of Music/Organist

Ashley Wood, Director of Children and Youth Ministries

Live Worship
8:45 Worship Bulletin
11:00 Worship Bulletin
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2024 Advent Courier
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Who We Are

Christ Church is a welcoming community of faith, hope and love
serving our neighbors and the world as the hands of Christ.

We live into this vision by Connecting with God,
Connecting with Each Other & Connecting with the World.

Featured Events

Joan Rodberg Memorial Blood Drive

The Joan Rodberg Memorial Blood Drive will be held on Monday, February 10th from 10:00 am-3:00 pm at Christ Church in the Fellowship Hall. The drive was a specific request from Joan as a way to help repay the blood bank for all the blood she received during her illness. If you would like to volunteer to help at the blood drive, please see Nan McDaniel on Sunday mornings leading up to the event.

To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter: cc.

Give blood. Help save lives.

Boar’s Head Festival a Huge Success! Thank you!

It is amazing to think how many people were involved in the festival this past weekend, including the cast, the musicians, all those who
worked backstage, all those who sewed costumes and mended props, those who ran lights and sound, those who printed and assembled
programs, those who were greeters and ushers, and those who helped prepare and serve the reception. The lists go on and on. It was truly an intergenerational event for our congregation. Thank you to all who were involved!

Chapel Bible Study

Each Sunday Dr. Bias will lead a lecture-style Bible study in the Chapel.
During the Chapel study, if parents with children want to attend, Ashley will be offering a children’s activity and worship time upstairs in the children’s ministry area. Ashley will meet you at “The Connection Point” in the Narthex at 9:50 to lead your children upstairs.

Beginning Sunday, January 5, and continuing through February 23, Dr. Bias will explore controversial issues in the light of the Bible and
historic Christian beliefs. The study schedule will be as follows:
12 Creation and Evolution in the Public Schools
19 Prayer in Public Schools
23 The Death Penalty
2 Euthanasia
9 Abortion
23 Homosexuality

There have been volumes upon volumes written upon the issues to be focused upon. The limitations of what can be accomplished in the context of a bible study will be evident. The idea is to raise the issue and create an arena where we can and will grow in our faith and allow Jesus to form our views so we can become dynamic Christian witnesses in a growing secular world.

Youth Group Sweetheart Lunch Fundraiser

The Youth Group will be hosting a Sweetheart Lunch Fundraiser on Sunday, February 9 at noon in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, dessert, and tea. Gluten free options will be available. There will be couples awards in honor of Valentine’s Day. All donations will go towards the 2025 Youth Mission Trip. Please join us!

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