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Chapel Bible Study

Each Sunday Dr. Bias will lead a lecture-style Bible study in the Chapel.
During the Chapel study, if parents with children want to attend, Ashley will be offering a children’s activity and worship time upstairs in the children’s ministry area. Ashley will meet you at “The Connection Point” in the Narthex at 9:50 to lead your children upstairs.

Beginning Sunday, January 5, and continuing through February 23, Dr. Bias will explore controversial issues in the light of the Bible and
historic Christian beliefs. The study schedule will be as follows:
12 Creation and Evolution in the Public Schools
19 Prayer in Public Schools
23 The Death Penalty
2 Euthanasia
9 Abortion
23 Homosexuality

There have been volumes upon volumes written upon the issues to be focused upon. The limitations of what can be accomplished in the context of a bible study will be evident. The idea is to raise the issue and create an arena where we can and will grow in our faith and allow Jesus to form our views so we can become dynamic Christian witnesses in a growing secular world.